2023 TWIPY Pinball Awards: Hosts and Voting Announcement

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This Week in Pinball and the TWIPY Committee are excited to announce the seventh annual TWIPY Pinball Awards will be taking place again next March 2024 at the Texas Pinball Festival! The TWIPYs are an annual celebration of the pinball hobby, where the public votes for their favorite games, mods, locations, and content creators of the year. This year, we’re introducing a few small changes including a streamlined voting period and a couple of new award categories. There will only be one voting period (no pre-vote) which runs from December 18th, 2023 through January 15th, 2024.

This year’s TWIPYs will be hosted by two well-respected personalities in the pinball world, Imoto Arcade and Macho Pinball himself, Lucas Pepke.  The awards show will include celebrities, many well-known pinball personalities, and Slim Jims. More information on the awards show will be coming soon.

twipy awards 2023


The TWIPY Committee returns, and this year it is comprised of Steve Bowden, Imoto Harney, Josh Sharpe, Lloyd Olson, Colin Alsheimer, Joel Reeves, and led by William Oetting. The Committee is responsible for determining game eligibility and categories, show and schedule coordination, and most importantly, maintaining the integrity of the voting process through our online secure voting process, and helping review and validate votes and results.


Game specific Categories:

Best Theme

Best Animations and Display 

Best Toys and Mechs

Best Sound (Music, Callouts, and Sound Effects)

Best Rules – Lyman F. Sheats Jr. Award

Best Playfield Gameplay and Layout 

Best Artwork 

Game of the Year 

Other Categories:

Favorite Pinball Streamer

Favorite New Pinball Streamer *new category*

Favorite Pinball Podcast

Favorite New Pinball Podcast *new category*

Favorite Pinball YouTube Channel

Favorite New Pinball YouTube Channel *new category*

Favorite Pinball Mod of 2023 (third-party mods only)

Favorite Home Brew Pinball Machine

Favorite Pinball Website

Favorite Pinball Convention/Event

Favorite Pinball Location

Favorite Pinball Topper of 2023

Pinball Content Creators – The eligible candidates for the podcast, streamer, YouTube, and website categories will be selected from the TWIP Promoters DB. If you think your content should be listed please reach out to make sure you will be listed in the ballot.

Pinball Mod and Topper Creators – The eligible candidates for the mod and topper categories will be selected from the TWIP Mod and Toppers DB. If you think your items should be listed please reach out to make sure you will be listed on the ballot.

The Pinball Event of the Year is coming this March LIVE at the Texas Pinball Festival!