- This Week in Pinball
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- TWIP – Pinburgh, Jetsons Gameplay, Guardians of the Galaxy Mystery, More
TWIP – Pinburgh, Jetsons Gameplay, Guardians of the Galaxy Mystery, More
The Scoop
Countdown to Pinburgh/Replay FX
Pinburgh is only a few days away! It is the largest pinball tournament in the world, featuring 328 pinball machines and 800 players competing over three days to see who will be come out on top. It also includes a guaranteed $100,000 prize pool. For the schedule of the show, click here. Most of the top names in competitive pinball will be there – check out last years results here. For the list of the bank of pins included this year, click here. For tips on how to score well on the games, check out this amazing site. (Note: The size is small because at Pinburgh you’ll likely be looking at the site on your phone.) The competition will be streamed live on PAPA’s YouTube channel. Also coming up on the same weekend as Pinburgh is California Extreme in Santa Clara, California.
The Jetsons Gameplay Video
A gameplay video for The Jetsons pinball machine was released over the weekend, click here to check it out. This game was designed and is sold by The Pinball Company and manufactured by Spooky Pinball. You can order a Jetsons pinball machine here.
Guardians of the Galaxy Mystery Photo
Earlier this week, TWIP shared a story which helped explain this Facebook post that showed pinball cabinets for Guardians of the Galaxy. TWIP reached out to Escapism Pinball, the company that is building the game, to get the full story which can be found here.
Alien Updates
Good news this week from Heighway Pinball under the new management. First, Nitro Pinball reported they had received “Xeno heads, parts & upgrades” for Alien customers that had already received their game, and reported that the communication has been much better since the management changes. Second, CoinTaker reported that they had four Alien Standard Editions delivered.
The Big Lebowski Weekly Update
Dutch Pinball sent their weekly update, which was a video from Jaap. In it he discusses many topics, perhaps most importantly financing options with the new contract manufacturer. Click here to watch the video. To check out last weeks review of The Big Lebowski from TWIP, click here.
This Flippin Podcast – 50th Episode
Congrats to Tommy and Taylor on their 50th episode of This Flippin Podcast! Their 50th “Epicsode” is nearly four hours long and perfect to listen to on your way to Pinburgh. The 51st episode was also released this week, and it is also a great pre-Pinburgh listen as it covers different banks of games and specific tips/rules for games. If you’d like to check out the podcast, their Facebook page can be found here or check it out on iTunes or your favorite podcast player. And good luck to them at Pinburgh!
ColorDMD Release: No Fear
ColorDMD, which is guaranteed to increase your happiness in life by 12-15%, released their newest title, No Fear. Check out the video teaser here. To buy, visit ColorDMD.com.
Stern Star Wars Updates
Stern put out a second code update (0.84 to 0.85) for the new Star Wars Pro pinball machine. To read what has changed, check out this page. The pinball community is “patiently” waiting for the Premium and Limited Edition versions so we can all check out the hyperdrive accelerator and other upgrades.
What’d we miss? Have an announcement for next week? Email us at [email protected]
Pin of the Week

Interesting note about Tron: Legacy LE:
“David Thiel wrote several levels of background music. Carol Thiel voiced the Tron Computer Grid voice and David voiced the Sentry voices for custom speech.” – IPBD
Manufacturer: SternDisplay: Dot MatrixPlayers: 4Flippers: 3Ramps: 2Release date: June 2011System: Stern SAM
Design: John BorgProgramming: Lonnie Ropp, Lyman SheatsArtwork: John YoussiMusic/Sound: David ThielProduction run: 400
Website of the Week
If you like watching pinball videos, check out this site! You can search by machine, player, or event, and there is also a section for tutorials.
Have a site we should check out or want your website featured? Send an email to [email protected] with the URL and a short description and we’ll include it.
Welllll, Lets See What We’ve Got Here
Identify the pinball machine pictured below for a chance to win a gift card to Pinball Life!

Hint: Possible collusion with Russia
Last Week’s answer: The Addams Family
Email guesses to [email protected], correct answers in July are entered into the drawing for a gift card to Pinball Life!
Upcoming Games and Rumors
Stern PinballMost Recent Titles
AC/DC Vault Edition
Star Wars
Elvira 3
Rumors of Future Titles
Guardians of the Galaxy?
Iron Maiden?
Jurassic World? «New!
Spooky PinballMost Recent Titles
Rob Zombie’s Spookshow International
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Alice Cooper’s Nightmare Castle
Ben Heck’s game
American PinballMost Recent Titles
Dutch PinballMost Recent Titles
Bride of Pinbot 2.0
Bride of Pinbot 3.0 (on hold)
The Big Lebowski (production issues)
Silver Castle Pinball
Timeshock (coming soon)
Jersey Jack PinballMost Recent Titles
Wizard of Oz
The Hobbit
Dialed In
Rumors of Future Titles
Pirates of the Caribbean?
Toy Story?
Chicago Gaming/Planetary PinballMost Recent Titles
Medieval Madness Remake
Attack From Mars Remake
Rumors of Future Titles
Monster Bash Remake?
Big Bang Bar Remake?
Cactus Canyon Remake?
Heighway PinballMost Recent Titles
Full Throttle
Alien (production issues)
Rumors of Future Titles
P3 (Multimorphic)
Lexy Lightspeed (coming soon)
Cannon Lagoon (coming soon)
Cosmic Cart Racing (coming soon)
Thunderbirds (coming soon)