TWIPYs Pre-Voting Now Open



The main TWIPY voting period will be held in January as always. As with last year, we’ll do a pre-voting period so the pinball community can decide which nominees will be included in the drop downs for the write-in categories, such as favorite streamers, podcasters, mods, etc. This helps provide voters with a better voting experience in January and saves time when compiling the votes so the TWIPY Committee and others can spend more time focusing on creating the event.

PRE-VOTING for the TWIPYs now open through Wednesday, November 30th. These will determine the drop down selections for the January voting. The number of drop down selections will vary by category and be determined by the TWIPY Committee.

The Write-In Categories are:

Favorite Pinball Streamer

Favorite Pinball Podcast

Favorite Pinball YouTube Channel

Favorite Pinball Website

Favorite Pinball Mod of 2022 (third party mods only)

Favorite Home Brew Pinball Machine

Favorite Pinball Location

Favorite Pinball Convention/Event

Favorite Pinball Topper of 2022

Eligibility Requirements

The 2022 Eligibility Document which will cover the Eligibility requirements for each category. This will be tweaked and improved year to year.

Voting Format

For the Pre-Voting, people can choose their top two Write-In nominees for each category if they wish. These votes will determine nominees for the drop downs for the January voting. 

During the January voting, voters can choose their top three for each category if they wish. Those will count as three “points” for 1st pick, two points for 2nd pick, and one point for third pick for January voting, and will determine the winners of the categories.


or to participate.